Mayor Mike
Christmas tree lighting, Mike and Evan Stanley, 1998
Good-bye, Mayor Mike - a quintessential small-town mayor who
genuinely loved his borough and his job. More than that, he was a family friend who always had a huge smile and jackhammer handshake for us every time we saw him at local events (which was often). He watched our boys grow up from infants, and shared his love of antique cars and trucks with them (none of us will ever forget that final ride on his amazing antique fire engine and police 'paddy-wagon', both of which he was so proud of.
Thanks for everything, Mayor Mike. You will be missed.
Mayor Mike meets 'Albert', a teddy bear that went home with every kindergarten student at Gwyn-Nor ES for a few days. Students were to document what Albert did while in their care - when we had him, he met the mayor!
The Bow Ties Ltd, of Vermont, where Mike purchased many of his signature ties, heard about the Albert visit and asked to feature the visit in their catalogue. We happily obliged.
Ben Stanley with Mayor Mike
Merry Tuba Christmas, 2004
Mike and his son, Mike Jr. 2008
I think all photographers working in Lansdale between 1982 and 2008 have at least one of these photos.
He was a lovely man. Christmas won't seem the same without getting the kids picture taken with Mike at the tree lighting. He'll be missed.
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